As all the companies, we hope you have good professional knowledge, good moral tutelage, teamwork and innovation spirit,etc..And we believe that,people who has following traits can better face the future, along with company and reached the shore.
Able to make wise decisions on people, technology, business and innovation, abandon the ambiguity.
Communication ability
Can be concise and clear when speaking and writing, respect for anyone and anything.
Able to complete many work, with strong working ability.
Quick learning, eager to learn, has widespread cognition to the business, technology and entertainment, and can provide contribution effectively in some other areas.
Dare to challenge prejudices and put forward the better solution.
Dare to challenge the behavior that violate the company values.
Concerned about the success of the company.
All the people thinks you candid, without political considerations when you don't agree with someone.
What you seek is the rights and interests of the company, rather than what is the best for yourself or your team.